Thursday, February 18, 2010

A little more practice..........

Rachel wants to be just like her mommy in every way. Little does she know how much she is already like her mommy.
I caught her in my makeup, which honestly isn't an unusual occurrence for Rachel or probably any other girl for that matter. What girl hasn't wanted to start wearing make-up before their time.
I love this picture. She is so happy with the job she has done. Honestly I think she could use a little more practice, but all things come with time. Besides Mascara can be a tricky skill even for the skilled veteran.
I love my little mini-me!


amberkei said...

She amazes me!

Melissa Fisher said...

Well, a very positive post. I guess the "heat" wore off... if you know what I mean. She is adorable. Hopefully no more calls to poison control right?!?! :O)