Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Love Story!

Thank you Amber! I totally love this version better!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The fabric doctor is in!

My awesome Dad who has been a dry cleaner for the last 50 years and has a plethora of knowledge about that kind of stuff has decided to start a blog to help those of us (like me) who are "stain impaired" get out those stubborn stains!
I'm am pretty excited about this as I seem to call him regularly about this or that. So far there is only one post but it is fantastic. Check it out! You should also post bunches of comments about the stains you have a hard time getting out. Since he was born into the dry cleaning business he doesn't really understand that the rest of us haven't got it figured out yet. Most everything he uses is already in your house or would only cost a dollar or two. I never worried about stains or stuff like that cause Dad always fixed it but now having kids of mine own I understand better the value of knowing how to fix it. I can't wait to learn all that he knows from his experience as a dry cleaner and the father of 10 stain challenged children!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All About EGGS!

I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted! I was on such a good run and then my card reader for my camera to the computer broke, or should I say was broken. Anyways I have a few posts that I have been wanting to put up here for a while. Now that my sweet hubby has replaced my card reader we are back in business; bear with me...long post ahead.
First order of business: EGGS!We have been learning and experimenting with eggs for 3 weeks now along with the book Green Eggs and Ham, and wouldn't you know we planned it (I wish I could say it was on purpose) so that it fell in between St. Patrick's day and Easter!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, SAM-I-AM!This is my sweet sister Katrina who came as Sam-I-Am on St. Patrick's day to make green eggs and ham for us. And, oh boy, were they green! Spencer and Rachel and there buddies Trenton and Tyler had so much fun with this. First she read us the story and then showed us how to make them, she even let all of the kids help.
Spencer is getting so good at cracking eggs I always let him do it by himself.This is Spencer anxiously waiting his green eggs and ham. We had them color some cute place mats that showed you were all of your dishes should properly be and then we had the boys set the table.And then there are the green eggs and ham! Aren't they green!Thank you, Katrina!

Then there was the "fit the egg through a really small hole trick:

This was especially cool! It took a couple of tries but when we finally got it WOW! Spencer just couldn't get over how fun this was.

Then we have the "Naked Egg"
Have you ever taken the shell off your egg while it was still raw, and it held together? well, that was the goal here.
First you soak the egg in a jar (with a large opening) of vinegar and then after two days change the vinegar and Viola the next day you will have a naked egg.
The acid in the vinegar dissolves the calcium in the egg shell but the membrane holds it together! Isn't that freaking awesome! It would have been even cooler if I had done it with a jar that had a large opening. When the shell dissolves the egg expands without all of the pressure, thus, a hole of a jar that the egg did fit into before, will not come out of. That is why we don't have any after pictures. :(
He wanted to show off his badge he received from some police officers he talked with at Arctic Circle that day. He is not shy at all and just walked up to them and started talking.

Phew.....I feel like that has been on my TO DO list for way to long! it probably sounded like it too, sorry. Just don't read the type, look at the cute kids instead.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My cute kids!

Aren't they the cutest kids ever!!

It's moments like these that the laundry, dishes, dirty diapers, and etc....... are all worth it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Before and After.....

This is almost a little embarrassing to post this picture I love the end results so much. Here it is, my bedroom. This is how it has looked for almost 5 years now. I had intentions of decorating my room much sooner than this, I really did! But I didn't like this or I couldn't find just what I was thinking of. So time went on and on and I grew comfortable with leaving it alone. That is until we started to sell our house. First off, I was uncomfortable with people walking through and judging how I do things around here and second, there was the ugly master bedroom.
I was frustrated that we didn't have a headboard, and now wasn't a really good time to buy one either. But Talking with my brother-in-law (shocker Ha?) He suggested just putting a damask vinyl print at the top to create the focal point.
YEAH! I loved the idea and ran wild with it.
It was an amazing process, around every turn things seemed to just fall in place or work in my favor. The down comforter was on sale at Costco because they were clearing them out to make room for summer things. The fabric and pillow forms I bought at Joann's was on such a good sale that I ended up saving more money than I spent (That's my favorite!) I put towels and a shower curtain in my bathroom to match and they were at Ross at incredible prices; I didn't pay more than 4.00 for any of them. The vinyl was a family special since Katrina (married to the brother-in-law with the great idea in the first place) has a vinyl business. I love finding a deal but this was a little unusual for me to find SO many!
I love my new room!
What do you think?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A little more practice..........

Rachel wants to be just like her mommy in every way. Little does she know how much she is already like her mommy.
I caught her in my makeup, which honestly isn't an unusual occurrence for Rachel or probably any other girl for that matter. What girl hasn't wanted to start wearing make-up before their time.
I love this picture. She is so happy with the job she has done. Honestly I think she could use a little more practice, but all things come with time. Besides Mascara can be a tricky skill even for the skilled veteran.
I love my little mini-me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is my newest niece, Madison. Isn't she beautiful! I think being an Aunt is one of my favorite things.
She is very lucky to have Peter and Stacey for parents and they are very excited to finally have her here. She was born weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces! (Go, Stacey!) So even though this picture was taken when she was only 7 days old she has already filled in those adorable cheeks.
She has two brothers who are anxious to teach her how to wrestle so it won't be long until she can hold her own. I hope she survives. They are going to have so much fun!
Welcome Madison!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Did I mention he is a poser!

Have I ever mentioned that Spencer will pretty much do what ever I say when I am holding a camera?
(mmm.....I wonder if it would work for other things?)
I had just figured out some pretty cool tricks with the flash and had to go try them out. Of course I hired the best models in town (my own) and we were off. The kids did such a great job, but Rachel didn't last long. So then it was just me and Spencer.
I asked him to not smile on this shot in attempts to get a really fun smile out of him but instead I got this adorable GQ look out of him! (that works to)
I love my little man!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sometimes it is OK to eat the homework

What better way to learn about mixing color than with frosting!
We had so much fun learning about all the different colors and how they are made. As you can tell we have been doing a lot of things that have to do with color. This was a ton of fun! We started with the basic primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and frosted the cupcakes and placed them in the primary triangle(alas, it is hard to get true colors from frosting). then we made a bunch of hypotheses of what would come out of mixing two of the primary colors and placed them in between those primary colors. Then just for fun we mixed them all together and placed it in the middle.

Not only is this the cutest color circle ever! It was also the yummiest.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Does a flower of another color smell as sweet?

It does if they are the same flower!
We had fun coloring some carnations last week. I have distinct memories of doing this in elementary school (which is strange considering how many childhood memories I have) and made just as many memories doing it with Spencer.
Spencer just loves the word Hypothesis and searches for ways to use it everyday. So we hypothesized about a bunch of stuff. Would they really change?
We made some red, blue and yellow carnations from white ones by feeding them food coloring in there water. If you haven't done this in a while I recommend it! It only takes about 6 hours to get a noticeable change which is very rewarding!
Spencer couldn't wait to give these flowers to Grandma, he is so sweet! I hope you are enjoying your flowers!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Sister Ate My Homework!

This is, unfortunately, a valid excuse at our house.
Rachel has eaten many a homework assignments this past year. First she drank our experiment with evaporation. Then the drinking of our freezing and thawing water experiment. She has even eaten a few Swedish Fish from our guessing jar (who could blame her on that one, yummy!). And so it was for the graph of colored goldfish crackers.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gold Medal Winner!

Spencer wins the GOLD!
You may ask what he did to deserve such an honor. Well, it was no small feat.

For the new year I wanted to come up with a way to make the chores more exciting. Chores are always excited and the start of the school year when he gets a new chore chart and new bigger boy chores but about half way through they get to be the same old chores and they start to drag on all morning. So for the new year we set up a race between Spencer and Dad. Could Spencer get his chores done before Dad showered and got dressed?
Spencer has been getting his chores done amazingly fast these days. He wins Dad almost everyday. And yes, we take a picture of the winner everyday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2 Years Old!

Yes! Rachel is 2!
And it could probably use one more ! point!
Rachel has always wanted to be as big as brother so in her rush she has been in the terrible two's for some time now. She always has good intentions and is VERY curious. Spencer gets to do so many things she hasn't discovered yet, but don't worry it is her personal mission to.
Things like:
The microwave.
We have let Spencer make most of his own breakfast and lunches for a long time, much of which has to do with the microwave. He can make oatmeal all by himself! Rachel doesn't really understand what it does but she does know that Daddy wasn't very happy when she microwaved the ihome remote. By the way, did you know that most microwaves come with a lock feature? I do now.
The toothpaste.
Is it lotion? Is it candy? Is it paint? Some things must be learned by trial and error.
The toilet.
A little while ago Rachel was throwing a fit as I tried to put a new diaper on her, she kept kicking and screaming "Poopy, Poopy!" and pointing to the bathroom down the hall. I tried to convince her that I had taken care of the poopy and was putting on a clean diaper with no success. Out of frustration I let her run to the bathroom and sure enough she lifted the lid and leaned in and pee-ed all over the floor (which was strange because that's all brother has to do and it goes in the potty?). Since then she has been diligently trying to figure this out.
The other day she refused clothes to a ridiculous point and sometimes I just give up (4 outfits later). So I told Rachel that I wasn't ready to potty train her and that she would have to do it herself. And lo and behold, it did work. Now the only problem was I wasn't able to make an easy transition to underwear. Rachel really preferred walking around naked all of the time, and who can blame her. So the search started for some fantastic, better than naked, underwear.
After more than one store I had found them.....doggy underwear. YEAH! Wait...only in a size 4T ....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! It just wouldn't work I know because I opened and compared them to another style of 2T (her size) and it just wouldn't work. I seached all over the girly underwear to no avail. At this point I said the kind of prayer only a Mom can say "Please, help me find some doggy underwear!"
This is the point when I know that my Heavenly Father knows and understands Moms. I had this distinct impression to look on the base shelf underneath all of the underwear.
Just to put this into perspective: the shelf was full of underwear. Girl underwear on the top 3 rows and boy underwear on the bottom 3 rows.
Sure maybe someone
dropped a package or something and it is just sitting right there on the bottom shelf. So I bent down to look under all of the boy underwear when I saw something pink on the bottom row behind 2 packages of boy underwear.
( I wish I could insert angels singing here)
There is was.....LADY and the TRAMP & 101 Dalmations underwear - size 2T!!!!
Rachel has had so much fun with her doggy underwear. She even went to Walmart today in underwear, went potty in the stores potty (that's big!) and stayed dry!
She is doing a great job of potty training herself!

She brighten up our home with her beautiful smile and girl-y personality. She loves her brother and her Mom & Dad and shows that love so freely. She amazes me with how much she learns everyday. I love my little angel!