Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sometimes it is OK to eat the homework

What better way to learn about mixing color than with frosting!
We had so much fun learning about all the different colors and how they are made. As you can tell we have been doing a lot of things that have to do with color. This was a ton of fun! We started with the basic primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and frosted the cupcakes and placed them in the primary triangle(alas, it is hard to get true colors from frosting). then we made a bunch of hypotheses of what would come out of mixing two of the primary colors and placed them in between those primary colors. Then just for fun we mixed them all together and placed it in the middle.

Not only is this the cutest color circle ever! It was also the yummiest.

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

That middle one looks like it might have my name on it. In fact that is my favorite color, Gray