Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Future Missionary

Spencer and I do homeschooling for pre-school. This years theme is "The Legend of Road Atlas". My friend Amber and I got together during the summer to write the curriculum which includes a Family Home Evening lesson, at least one activity, and a field trip each week. Each week has it's own concept to learn that we tie into maps and the world around us. We also emphasize in a three year old sort of way the impact that missionaries have all around the world. So this is my future missionary. He loves his little missionary pin and he is so excited to bring his brand new, very own Book of Mormon to church.
We had so much fun writing the curriculum that it is even more fun to live it. I will post some more pictures, hopefully sooner than later, about the activities we have been involved with so far. You know your having a good time when your three year old constantly asked if it is time for school yet.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Awesome! I'd love to hear about some of your activities/ lessons. What a great idea.