Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Halloween

So I know that I am a little slow on posting this but don't they look adorable? What would the holidays be without children!
We had such a great time making Spencer's Wall-e Costume, and it turned out better than I could have hoped for. Spencer had the costume on at least once a day. We did have some costume problems later on, Trick-or-Treating, when we discovered it was very difficult for him to walk up stairs with a box on, but it was still very exciting! This was probably the first year he really caught on to the idea of it all. Of course, it is the first year he has really been interested in candy (only Chocolate) so that does help.
Rachel was originally going to be Tinker Bell. We had borrowed a costume from my sister that was a size 12mo Disney Tinkerbell. Unfortunately, we were unable to get it on or off her without tears. It is hard to believe how quickly these little ones grow. Fortunately they still had some adorable costumes left the Saturday before Halloween. I hate cutting things that close, but the position of "Mother" is never without surprises!


Katrina said...

it's ok, hon, i haven't had time to post anything for a while, just way too busy! you're way may up with the blogger thing than i am. i haven't totally figured it out yet.

amberkei said...

I never saw the kids all dressed up - they're so cute! I'm so glad you found something you liked for Rachel.

Jen said...

What a great Wall-E costume! Adorable kids! Thanks for joining the blog world so we can follow your family from afar!

Grannypam said...

We tried a robot one year with a box. It was really cute but awkward at the school party.

Becky also had an uncomfortable costume one year, but she won first prize. It was in 6th grade I think. She went as a picnic. She had plastic food glued to a plastic tablecloth which she had over a broom stick and a hole for head to poke through. That was awkward.