Monday, December 1, 2008

The greatest toy we own!

Of all of the toys we own our vacuum causes the most fights. Have you ever experienced the real fun of a vacuum? (me, either)
Spencer loves the vacuum! Much to my dismay, he is constantly asking if we can vacuum. It works as a great motivator to get the toys cleaned up: "I will vacuum as soon as you clean up the toys." I like a clean floor and everything but I have my limits. Once a day is enough, don't you think?
You probably already know this, but the vacuum attachments are almost more fun he the vacuum itself. Spencer can spend hours of fun using the attachments to vacuum the couch. Not to mention that the extender tubes make a great sword.
It is always an interesting argument when you don't want the vacuum out of the closet or you won't vacuum the carpet again. His favorite vacuum is my new carpet cleaner. Did you know that some vacuums are more fun than others? I hope that I am still having these kind of discussions with him when he is 16.

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