Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Love Story!

Thank you Amber! I totally love this version better!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The fabric doctor is in!

My awesome Dad who has been a dry cleaner for the last 50 years and has a plethora of knowledge about that kind of stuff has decided to start a blog to help those of us (like me) who are "stain impaired" get out those stubborn stains!
I'm am pretty excited about this as I seem to call him regularly about this or that. So far there is only one post but it is fantastic. Check it out! You should also post bunches of comments about the stains you have a hard time getting out. Since he was born into the dry cleaning business he doesn't really understand that the rest of us haven't got it figured out yet. Most everything he uses is already in your house or would only cost a dollar or two. I never worried about stains or stuff like that cause Dad always fixed it but now having kids of mine own I understand better the value of knowing how to fix it. I can't wait to learn all that he knows from his experience as a dry cleaner and the father of 10 stain challenged children!